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Two Elk Studios

Lyons Wedding Photography: Danielle and Jeff

Charlotte and I got the opportunity to work a great intimate wedding at one of the best venues I’ve been to.  Danielle and Jeff got married at the Wild Basin Lodge in Roosevelt National Forest and it couldn’t have been a better day.  The staff at the Lodge were incredible and made sure everything went perfectly.  The bride and groom were big outdoor lovers and that is why they chose a location that was right in the woods.  I spent some time with Jeff while he was getting ready and we talked about skiing and mountain biking and where our favorite spots were.  I try to find some connection to every couple I work with but it was particularly easy with Jeff. The other factor that made this such a great event to photograph was the gorgeous light that we were getting from the overcast sky. Yes, most photographers LOVE overcast days because it means they can photograph everywhere without having to worry about “raccoon eyes” and hard light from overhead sun.  The clouds turn the sun into a giant softbox, making the light beautiful and soft.

Follow the link below to see the rest of Danielle and Jeff’s awesome mountain wedding!

I love the rustic feel of this gorgeous amphitheater!  The location really enhanced the real-ness of the event. (I know, I just made up the word ‘real-ness’ but I’m a wedding photographer, not an english major. 😉 )

A large stream rolled by just down from the venue:

Stream near Wild Basin Lodge in Roosevelt National Forest Colorado

I hung out with Jeff and the guys as they got ready and offered my usual help with ties and other clothing concerns.  I’ve learned a lot about formalwear from being a photographer. Haha:

Jeff looked really handsome on his wedding day; So did the two family dogs in there red bowties! Here is Rudy, soaking in some sun.

The guys got ready in a cabin that was a short walk from the venue:

The dogs waited patiently for the ceremony to begin; Gracie was one of those young girls who knew just how adorable they are and was constantly giving Charlotte and I looks made for the camera.

Danielle had such a gorgeous real smile that was one of those entire-face smiles that I love.

I can’t get over this expression on Jeff’s face! We must have been saying something ridiculous or making animal noises, which I sometimes do to get people laughing.  You’ve got to be able to make fun of yourself to be in this profession. 🙂

Danielle trying to throw Jeff in the water:

Jeff looks so happy and lucky to have married Danielle:

Flower girl running around during a wedding at Wild Basin Lodge in Roosevelt National Forest Colorado

The really pretty cake was made by Jeff and Danielle’s friend who is a professional pastry chef:

Don’t worry, it’s not Champagne….:

The monorail lighting on the dance floor gave such a wonderful backlight as the newlyweds danced for the first time:

bride and groom first dance at Wild Basin Lodge in Roosevelt National Forest Colorado

Below is a slideshow of Danielle and Jeff’s wedding.  Note: The slideshow contains music:

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