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Jackson, Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park

Two Elk Studios

My very lucky cousin Matt spent the month of May zig-zagging the country on his way from LA to Boston, hitting many of the most amazing parts of America.  His trip was going to bring him through Denver and I wanted to offer a driving companion for a few days of the trip.  I flew up to Jackson, Wyoming to meet him and we spent 3 days making our way down to Colorado.  After Matt picked me up from the airport, we headed straight up to Yellowstone National Park and I had a chance to capture some incredible landscapes and wildlife. Not a bad view from the tarmac when I landed!

The natural pools that form in Yellowstone create these amazing walls along the water out of sediment that I found fascinating.

This mother bison and her calf were sitting right near Old Faithful without giving a thought to the throngs of people gathered to see the eruption from the famous geyser.

The eruption of Old Faithful was definitely one of the coolest natural events I have ever witnessed.  The bison calf began feeding from her mother standing a mere 20 yards from the massive geyser.

On the way back to Jackson, we stopped to watch a massive herd of elk that were gathered in front of the truly majestic Tetons mountain range.

I think these elk had a good idea I was photographing them because they stared at me for a good 10 minutes.  I’m thankful they did.  I love the color of the light reflecting in the stream.

Right before we went to the house we were staying at for the night, I told my cousin to drive us quick to this spot before the sun went completely down over the hills and I was able to capture a couple of beautiful sunsets.


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