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Alex Cordoba | Denver Yoga Portrait Photography

Two Elk Studios

As I have developed more and more in my yoga practice, I have found that there are certain teachers that really stand out and have an innate ability to connect and share beauty and strength with their students. My friend Alex Cordoba is one such teacher. She teaches at multiple studios around Denver including Qi City Park and Lotus Room Yoga as well as offering private instruction. Her website is Alex needed portraits for use on her new website and for her future marketing efforts for her private instruction ventures and I was stoked to take on the job. We chose to use the studio at Lotus Room as the location and I attended her morning class to get in the right mindset. 🙂 Alex is incredibly strong and I wanted to highlight her muscles and I therefore chose to use some strong side-lighting in a bunch of the photographs. The sun was being diffused by an overcast sky so I decided to make my own sun with a large flash placed outside of the windows and triggered by remote. When you light something from the side, it brings out the details and this was what I was going for with Alex’s portraits. I had such a great time making these images and I thank Alex for being such a great subject and teacher!

For this first image, I actually had 3 flashes firing at the same time to create the effect I wanted. There was the one outside coming in from the left of the picture; one coming from the right pointed directly at the back and side of Alex to give the glowing rim light; and one bounced off a wall on the left side to light up the artwork in the background.

Denver Yoga Portrait Photography

Denver Yoga Portrait Photography

Denver Yoga Portrait Photography

Denver Yoga Portrait Photography

Denver Yoga Portrait Photography

Denver Yoga Portrait Photography

Denver Yoga Portrait Photography

Denver Yoga Portrait Photography

Denver Yoga Portrait Photography

Denver Yoga Portrait Photography

Denver Yoga Portrait Photography

Denver Yoga Portrait Photography

Denver Yoga Portrait Photography

Denver Yoga Portrait Photography

Denver Yoga Portrait Photography

Denver Yoga Portrait Photography

Alex was very passionate about going outside and using this couch as a prop for this pose so I moved it in front of this awesome graffiti wall to take some fun shots to add to the others.

Denver Yoga Portrait Photography

Denver Yoga Portrait Photography



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